Training Your Beagle
Beagles are great dogs but, just like any other breed, they still need some firm training.
I provide articles, information and guidance to ensure you, and your new puppy, are headed down the right road to success!
Puppies thrive on a set schedule, firm boundaries, almost constant supervision and temperament exercises. House training and teething can be a difficult time! The best, and fastest, way to train is to keep your eyes on your new Beagle puppy AT ALL TIMES (while out of the crate). Constant supervision is essential for house training and to be sure your puppy is not getting into anything it shouldn’t. Training normally takes several months before you can trust them fully.
Beagles will do almost anything for FOOD!
Once you find the treat that they feel is worthy of their actions they are very easy to obedience train. Just be mindful that Beagles are very smart and will occasionally try and take advantage and train YOU! If they bark in the crate and you give them any attention AT ALL that is a positive reinforcement for that behavior and will normally lead to more barking. If a puppy bites your hand lightly, that is ok. If they bite you too hard, and you do not correct it properly, they will learn to bite harder and compound the problem as they reach adulthood. If you do not bathe your Beagle regularly, or clip it’s nails, you may have a difficult adult to groom. These are just some of the more common training issues I see and true for all breeds of dogs.
I provide a link through the Puppy Training Depot for a free fourteen day internet training trial! I also provide several training articles and instructions on how to raise a Beagle puppy to be a loving, kind and well trained member of the family. I also provide lifetime support for training, health, feeding, parasite control and any other topic that needs attention and assistance.